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Niaouli essential oil, Melaleuca quinquenervia Melaleuca quinquenervia

6,30 €
5 ml
1,8-cineol CT, wild. Code: 47733893

Niaouli essential oil is obtained by distilling wild myrtles, which, like tea tree, cajeput, rosemary, and manuka, belong to a family of aromatherapeutically potent deadly plants. It is most valued for its nasal congestion relief, cold relief and antimicrobial properties. In some respects, niaoulis is similar to tea tree and in some cases even surpasses it. 

Niaouli essential oil was formerly known as 'gomenoil' because it was first distilled in the Gomeno area of New Caledonia in the early 20th century. 

  • Excellent aromatherapy quality - tested in the in-house lab, including GC-MS
  • Without phthalates, pesticides and other contaminants - does not disrupt endocrine system
  • From wild plants
  • Air purifier & freshener.

Our niaouli essential oil is recognised by aromatherapists as one of the most valuable for the cold season.

It contains almost 73% 1,8-cineole (eucalyptol), a substance often studied:

For aromatherapy purposes, you can use niaouli essential oil during the cold season: evaporate it indoors, add it to water and rinse your home, put a drop on your mask, on your clothes when you go out to gatherings, or inhale. To make balms, massage oils (use our essential oil concentration calculator). Works synergistically with eucalyptus, thyme, pine, lemongrass, lemon essential oils. 

Suitable for problematic, acne-prone skin. Can be applied pure in case of minor scratches, insect bites. 

Not all properties and uses of this product are mentioned here. Unfortunately, due to EU regulation of health claims, we cannot inform you in detail, even if the benefits of this product are scientifically proven.

  • do not use on fresh skin as it may cause irritation; dilute with vegetable oil or butter;
  • protect eyes;
  • effects on pregnant and lactating women are unknown; essential oils should be avoided for the first 3 months of pregnancy and for infants up to 3 months of age unless necessary.
  • despite the high phyto-, aromatherapeutic quality of this oil, the aromatherapy community cannot recommend internal use for therapeutic purposes, but such use is possible if prescribed by a phyto/ aromatherapist;
  • do not use on cats, birds, fish, rodents, reptiles (evaporate in small quantities at home or use on your own); do not use on dogs, horses, muzzle, genitals, vaccinate;
  • this essential oil is not registered as a medicine;
  • this essential oil is not registered as a biocide;
  • keep tightly closed in a dark, cool place.
  • bottle: glass
  • cap/dropper: plastic
  • label: plastic PVC

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Kai kažkur išvykstame su šeima ir turiu mažai vietos - pasiimu niaoulio buteliuką, kuris man atstoja visą vaistinėlę. Ar lipam į kalnus, ar vaikštom po miestus - niaoulis visada kišenėje.

Kai nusibrozdinam ar įsipjaunam, kai nutrina batas iki pūslių - tepu niaouliu, kai stomatitas burnoje - tepu niaoulį, kai kas nors suviduriuoja - geriam niaoulį (po 1 lašą), kai peršalam- tepamės (arba geriam) niaouliu, kai skauda gerklę - tepam niaouliu, kai nudega saulėje oda iki skausmo - skiedžiu (kad ir su jogurtu) ir tepu arba purškiu skiestu niaouliu.

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