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We invite you to become an ambassador of Kvapų namai!

If you are an aromatherapy, massage, cosmetology, complementary and alternative medicine specialist, and use essential oils, hydrolates, oils and other natural substances in your work, we invite you to become our partner. We offer an attractive opportunity to work safely with the highest quality tested aromatherapy substances. Only your professionalism and high-quality products that radiate strong Natural and Human energy can give your customers the highest satisfaction, and you can enjoy their loyalty.

Kvapų namai is the only aromatherapy and fresh cosmetics company in Lithuania with its own quality laboratory with gas chromatography and other equipment, which regularly performs qualitative analyzes of essential oils, oils, hydrolates, finished products, guaranteeing purity and authenticity; absence of synthetic substitutes, phthalates, pesticides and other contaminants. And the products are developed by qualified specialists in aromatherapy, chemistry, pharmacy and perfumery. Fill out the partner form and we will contact you.