Shea Butter Unrefined Organic Butyrospermum parkii, sin. Vitellaria paradoxa
Our special quality shea butter is the most effective natural emollient and protective balm for dry skin, soothing, moisturizing, protecting and softening the skin - hands, face, lips, shins,...
The quality and, consequently, the properties of shea butter oil depend very much on the subtleties of the production process. We have long searched for the right quality of shea oil - to be produced in the traditional manual way (which not only preserves the valuable fats, but also the original combination of bioactive substances); to be unrefined, but of the right microbiological quality (microbes, especially moulds, are often found in butters) - and to be tested in our own microbiology laboratory for every batch.
The most important bioactive substances in unrefined shea oil are antioxidants, vitamins, catechins, phytosterols, terpene and phenolic derivatives.
- Reusable glass jar - clean-return-enjoy reward
- Certified organic raw material
- Preservative-free - does not disrupt the microbiota
- Vegan
- From wild plants
- Process: traditional
- Unrefined
- For pregnant
- For Infants 1-12 month
- For newborns (0-1 month)
- Dry skin
- Sensitive skin
- For Holiday Luggage.
- Traditional method of production, unrefined,
- has a faint, specific smell which disappears as soon as the oil is absorbed (the strength of the smell may vary from batch to batch),
- yellowish in colour, with the consistency of solid butter; may be slightly grainy depending on the batch,
- melts at 34C, softens and liquefies quickly on skin; grains, if present, also dissolve,
- the total content of unsaponifiable substances in our oil is about ~6% - antioxidants, vitamins, catechins, phytosterols, terpene and phenolic derivatives,
- a complete "food" for the skin and the skin microbiota,
- strengthens skin resistance,
- moisturises and softens the skin for a long time - a natural emollient,
- protects against cold and UV rays,
- helps prevent dryness, wrinkles and pigment spots,
- does not interfere with cell renewal/regeneration,
- recommended for those who work and play outdoor sports.
- Unrefined(!) shea oil is a decongestant for stuffy noses and helps breathing. Applying 0.2-0.4g of oil (about the size of a lentil) to each nostril, congestion disappears in 0.5-1.5min; the effect lasts 5-8h. No adverse reactions, irritation, drying, reactive swelling (Tella A. Br.J. Clin.Pharmac. (1979), 7,495-497).
Attention: our oil is not registered as a medicinal product or biocide.
Unrefined Shea Butter is the ideal natural emollient, protective, nourishing, softening balm for dry skin - for hands, lips, face (to nourish the skin, soothe inflammation, or protect against cold). Suitable for application anywhere on the body.
- Highly recommended ias a hand and face cream;
- apply as and when desired; wherever dry, sensitive, scraped, scratched...
- for dry lips, elbows, cheeks and feet;
- for babies' bottoms and children's faces;
- for the prevention of stretch marks;
- for skin irritated by shaving;
- softens and soothes the skin in cases of eczema and scaly skin;
- For faster absorption, apply to skin moistened with water or a hydrolat; after 10 minutes, wipe off excess with a tissue. Run oily palms through hair - a little quality oil smoothes, shines and reduces frizz
- When the oil needs to stay on the skin for a long time, forming a barrier, apply liberally to dry unmoistened skin (e.g. to protect against cold, UV rays, babies' bottoms and children's faces)
Shea Butter is suitable for topical massage of individual parts of the body - joints, hands, legs, feet. Very fluid. For a full body massage, alone it is a bit too hard, but add 10-30% of any liquid unrefined oil (e.g. rosehip, sesame) and it is incomparable and even more fragrant. This mixture should be made without heating or melting, but simply whisked in a bowl.
Unrefined(!) shea butter is a decongestant and helps those with runny noses, when the nose is stuffy and breathing through the mouth. Applying 0.2-0.4g of the oil to each nostril, the congestion disappears in 0.5-1.5min; the effect lasts 5-8h. No adverse reactions, irritation, dryness, reactive swelling (Tella A. Br.J. Clin.Pharmac. (1979), 7,495-497).
Butyrospermum parkii butter (organic) *
Ingredients: Unrefined shea butter *
* – Organic certified ingredients
- Unrefined oil has a slight, specific smell that disappears as soon as the oil is absorbed into the skin.
- The colour, smell and concentration of unsaponifiable substances may vary from batch to batch due to weather and climatic phenomena, which is normal and typical for natural plant extracts.
- Keep tightly closed in a dry, cool and dark place.
- Protect the contents from moisture and dirt - the oil may start to deteriorate (oxidise).
- The amount of oil is as indicated on the label, visual quantities may vary due to the design of the jars.
- Do not use if the jar has changed and developed an unpleasant smell of oxidised old fat.
- container: glass
- lid: aluminium
- label: plastic PVC
Use responsibly – the jar of this product can be reused, just wash it and bring it to one of our stores. For each jar we will give you a discount on your next purchase.
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tobulas, pirmi metai, kai žiemą rankų, lūpų oda nesuskeldėjo, neraudonavo, nesausėjo, netrūkinėjo. Nuo šiol nesiskirsim :)
Riebus, maitinantis, raminantis. Tik tas kvapas... ;) Bet kai drėgnas rankas patepu šiuo sviestu ir pasipurškusi cintrinzoliu/laurenių rankų purškikliu, rankas įmasažuoju, gaunasi geras poveikis ir kvapas ;)
Nakčiai tepu lūpas ir rankas.Tobulai tinka labai labai sausai, jautriai odai.
Naudoju odai ir plaukams, bet ne gryną, o su argano aliejumi, kad lengviau teptųsi. Rekomenduoju tiems, kas nori atgaivinti plaukus ir odą.
Esu sviestmedžio aliejaus fanė, ir garbės žodis, geresnio negu Kvapų namų nėra. Spalva, tekstūra, kvapas - viskas kaip ir turi būti tikro naminio taukmedžio sviesto. Daug bandžiau ir sugrįžtu čia. Ačiū! Tobulas emolientas sausai odai!
Savotiškas kvapas, bet patiko labiau riebesnis, nei Nilo sviestmedis, bet taip pat geras
Nuostabus! Patinka natūralus kvapas. Pasitepus jokio diskomforto, nes nėra jokių dirbtinių dažiklių ir kvapiklių. Po pirmo panaudojimo oda jau tapo švelnesnė. Nusipirkau neseniai, naudoju pirmą kartą ir esu labai patenkinta. Naudojant rankoms geriausia išsitepti jas prieš einant miegoti, o ryte jis jau susigėręs į odą.
Sveiki, galbut yra zinoma kada vel turesite sio sviestmedzio? labai jau laukiamas jis yra :)
Tikrai rekomenduoju!! Toks puresnis nei tikejausi, lengvai tepasi.Labai patiko:)
daug sviestų esu išmėginusi, bet šis tai be konkurencijos
Norėjau paklausti ar galima naudoti maitinančios speneliams ir ar būtina nuplauti ?
Nustebino savo kokybiškumu, tikrumu, bei nuostabiu medienos, riešuto, kakavos kvapu. Nė iš tolo neprimena sviestmedžio sviesto, kurį esu pirkusi anksčiau iš kito pardavėjo. Jame nebuvo jokio kvapo, o konsistencija tarsi išlydyto ir vėl sustingusio sviesto.
Naudojame visa šeima jau metus laiko, švelnaus kvapo, kasdien juo pasitepu lūpas einant miegoti, gerai per naktį pamaitina nelieka jokių įtrūkimų, vaikas mėgsta juo pasitepti rankytes, vyras naudoja po skutimosi ar šaltuoju metų laiku prieš einant į lauką. Nors ir naudojamas kasdien užtenka ilgam, iš 300g indelio po metų naudojimo liko dar daugiau nei puse.
Labai puikus produktas. Naudojame jau daugiai nei penkis metus.
Nuostabus produktas mano dermatito išvargintai veido ir kūno odai, puikiai pamaitina išsausėjusią odą jos nedirgindamas, nebelieka sausų odos atplaišų, nušerpetojimų.
Nuostabiausias dalykas kokį tik esame bandę. Šį sviestmedį naudojame sergant sloga įmaišius kelis lašus "Ginančioji Či" et. aliejaus mišinio - jau 3 metai kai nereikia pirkti jokių lašų ir purškalų nuo slaogos. Naudojame visa šeima, o ypatingai gerai mergaitei, kuri nuo 2 metukų pati pasitepa nosytę. Rezultatas - ramus miegas ir kvėpavimas, jokio nosies užgulimo.
Labai patiko,tik gaila,kad kietas.
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