Tea Tree Hydrolat Melaleuca alternifolia
bot. Melaleuca alternifolia
For oily, acne-prone skin.
Tea tree water or hydrolate, obtained by steam distillation of the young branches and shoots of Tea Trees.
Old Australians call it 'the tree of thorns' or 'snow in summer'. The name Melaleuca was given by combining two Greek words: "melos" for black and "leukos" for white. It was named tea tree by captain J. Cook in the 18th century when he and his companions, who had landed in eastern Australia and opened the way for white settlers, were treated by the natives to a decoction of this plant with its miraculous healing properties.
- Excellent aromatherapy quality - tested in the in-house lab, including GC-MS
- Certified organic raw material
- Phthalate-free, pesticide-free - does not disrupt endocrine system
- Preservative-free - does not disrupt the microbiota
- Excellent microbiological quality, verified by the in-house microbiology lab
- Vegan
- pH 3.5-4.9
- For pregnant
- For Infants 1-12 month
- For newborns (0-1 month)
- Sensitive skin
- Oily/Combination skin
- Acne and Pimple.
Hydrosols are ideal for the skin, especially the face skin, care. They can be used as a component of creams, lotions, cleaning milks, masks as well as by oneself as skin refreshing means, tonics and moisturizers.
Tea tree hydrolat acts in a similar way to the essential oil of these plants – it is a powerful hydrolat for oily, acne-prone skin.
Use the hydrolate for skin care:
Natural face care is unthinkable without hydrolats. They are sprayed on the skin as soothers, tonics or moisturisers. We use hydrolats in ALL of our creams, emulsions and shampoos instead of plain water.
- as a facial mist and tonic – spray on the face and allow to dry without wiping; spray on the skin as soon as you feel it needs it: pamper your face at least a few times a day if you are in air-conditioned rooms, on hot summer days, after sunbathing; allow to soak and dry by itself;
- as a moisturiser – spritz your face and apply cream or oil without waiting for it to dry;
- as a cleanser – wash your face with the hydrolat in the morning, especially if your skin is sensitive to tap water. Spray liberally over the face, wiping with a wet tampon (does not remove make-up); spritz over the face to complete the make-up removal procedure; allow to dry naturally to allow the skin to soak up the plant's wonderful bioactive compounds;
Melaleuca alternifolia leaf water *
Ingredients: Tea Tree hydrolat *
* – Organic certified ingredients
- there are no restrictions on use;
- store in a dark, cool place tightly closed;
CAUTION! Temperatures of 0°C and below may be hazardous to the hydrolat. At these temperatures, we recommend that you purchase your hydrolats in store, as parcel services cannot always provide optimal conditions for product transport.
- bottle: glass
- atomiser: plastic
- label: plastic PVC
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Arbatmedžio kvapas ne toks intensyvus kaip eterinio aliejaus, gaivus, malonus hidrolatas.
Labai gerai lengvai dezinfekuoja, kvapas lengvas ir gaivus, bet pastoviai naudojant oda šiek tiek sausėja. Dabar naudoju tik kai noriu lengvai dezinfekuoti veidą.
Naudoju sūnaus “žąsies odai” raminti. Veikia nuostabiai - švelnina, minkština ir gaivina.
Puikus atradimas! Labai padėjo, kai mūsu mažylį kankino vėjaraupiai. Atgaivina oda ir nuramina!
nuostabus hidrolatas! naudoju probleminei odai, puikiai tinka, jau kelis metus nurungia visus. ypač vasarą - švelniai vėsina ir atgaivina nuo nepakeliamo karščio
Pirmą kartą išbandžiau arbatmedžio hidrolata, kaip mano sūnus sako baseinu kvepia, bet tik tam kartui, išsivadėja greit. Manau kokybiškas produktas, gaivina odą.Manau užsakysu dar keletą rūšių iš kvapų namų.
Labai patenkinta :)
Tobulas atradimas! Kelis kartus pirkau arbatmedzio hidralata kitur, nusiviliau, nusprendziau surizikuot ir pabandyti cia, ir likau maloniai nustebinta kokybe, oda tapo svelni. Apskritai hidrolatas vasara nuostabus dalykas, ypac karsta diena, tobula atgaiva! Kvapas specifinis, bet arbatmedzio nauda atperka, ypatingai pavyko su jo pagydyt dantiena...Patiko, kad buteliukas stiklinis, nes taip laikomas hidralatas nepraranda savo savybiu, ypac karstom dienom...
tikra atgaiva!
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