Cajeput Ambon essential oil Melaleuca cajeputi
Cajeput essential oil is distilled from the leaves of Cajeput trees. They belong to the myrtle family, such as tea tree, niaouli, rosaline, etc. They are most studied among the essential oils for their antimicrobial effects.
Most essential oils are distilled in Australia and Asian countries, usually between November and March, when yields are highest. The name Cajeput is derived from the Indonesian word 'kayu putih', meaning 'white wood'. This is the local name for a tree with a peeling, leathery bark.
- Excellent aromatherapy quality - tested in the in-house lab, including GC-MS
- Without phthalates, pesticides and other contaminants - does not disrupt endocrine system
- From wild plants
- Air purifier & freshener
- For/after workout
- Oily/Combination skin
- Acne and Pimple
- Outdoor
- For Holiday Luggage
- Perfumery note: middle.
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Ypač pamėgtas eterinis aliejus, pagrindinė kelionių ir namų vaistinėlės dalis, kaip ''namų gydytojas dr.Kajeputas" : jį "šaukiamės" vos susižeidę, įsipjovę ant kraujuojančios žaizdos, ant nubrozdinimų, įkandimų, sumušimų - gyja superpuikiai. O po danties traukimo ar operacijos - keli lašiukai į vandenį skalavimui - stebuklingai nuskausmina greit sugydo. Ir kvepia - įkvepia!
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