Myrtle Hydrolat Myrtus communis L.
bot. Myrtus communis
Myrtle hydrolat (Myrtus communis) is a 100% natural product obtained by steam distillation of the flowers and twigs of the true myrtle on an organic farm in Corsica. The balsamic, fresh-smelling myrtle hydrolat is particularly recommended for sensitive, acne-prone skin; as aromatherapy for babies; eye cleanser in case of irritation, conjunctyvitis etc.
Myrtle symbolises the Garden of Eden and its fragrance. In Mediterranean culture, the evergreen myrtle was a symbol of love and immortality, youth and chastity.
Myrtle leaves and twigs produce an essential oil with a pleasant, fresh, balsamic, clear scent. It clarifies the mind and helps to focus the mind for meditation.
- Excellent aromatherapy quality - tested in the in-house lab, including GC-MS
- Certified organic raw material
- Phthalate-free, pesticide-free - does not disrupt endocrine system
- Preservative-free - does not disrupt the microbiota
- Excellent microbiological quality, verified by the in-house microbiology lab
- Vegan
- From wild plants
- pH 3.5-4.9
- For pregnant
- For Infants 1-12 month
- For newborns (0-1 month)
- For children during colds season
- Sensitive skin
- Acne and Pimple
- Dilated Capillaries
- For oral care
- For the care of intimate areas, mucous membranes.
- ideal for the skin, especially the face skin, care.
- can be used as a component of creams, lotions, cleaning milks, masks as well as by oneself as skin refreshing means, tonics and moisturizers.
- aromatherapy for newborns, babies
- cleanser for irritated, drying eyes, eg in case of conjunctyvitis
- for acne and rashes;
- for irritated, red, inflamed and allergic skin;
- can be sprayed on the eyelids if the eyes are tired, irritated and red;
- for balancing emotions;
- for washing the face if the skin is sensitive to tap water: spray liberally over the face and gently wipe gently with a cotton pad; after wiping, spray again and allow to dry naturally, so that the skin can soak up the wonderful fragrant bioactive substances;
- for face masks;
- for intimate hygiene: ablutions and baths.
- there are no restrictions on use;
- store in a dark, cool place tightly closed;
CAUTION! Temperatures of 0°C and below may be hazardous to the hydrolat. At these temperatures, we recommend that you purchase your hydrolats in store, as parcel services cannot always provide optimal conditions for product transport.
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Ramina odą...puikus kvapas.
Puikus hidrolatas pavargusioms akims, nuo uždegimo, alergijos!
Tiesiog gėris odai - nėra ko bepridurti.
Nieko nėra geriau už mirtų hidrolatą nuo kompiuterio pavargusioms akims. Atrodo, kad ne tik nuovargis praeina, bet ir regėjimas pagerėja!
Rekomenduota ir pasidomėjusi plačiau hidrolatų aromaterapinėmis galimybėmis išbandžiau mirtų h nosies gleivinei drėkinti sloguojant. Naujas atradimas, nuoširdžiai rekomenduoju.
Gera naudoti, maloniai atgaivina.
Man tik kvapas nepatinka, lyg slapalu oda kartais paduoda po to, nesuprantu nuo ko, ar sureaguoja jis su oda kazkaip?Nes is butelio pauoscius kvepia normaliai. Poveikis odai tai super. Bet kita buteli pirksiu jau kitokio hidrolato.
Puiki priemonė prie akių uždegimo - išbandžiau prie virusinės kilmės konjunktyvito - pradėjau purkšti akis vos pajutusi pirmuosius nemalonius jausmus akyse ( jau sirgo vaikai) - per porą dienų buvau vėl sveika :) Super! Gaila, kad nusipirkau per vėlai, kad pagelbėt vaikučiams ....
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