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Coconut oil from fresh nut, unrefined, organic Cocos nucifera

4,58 € 6,10 €
50 g
Code: 4779040821420
6,98 € 9,30 €
90 g
Code: 4779040821437
14,03 € 18,70 €
225 g
Code: 4779040821444
18,83 € 25,10 €
450 g
plastic jar. Product is out of stock. Code: 4779040821451
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Our coconut oil is exclusive, derived from cold-ripened nuts from an organic farm, not from copra (dried nuts), as is probably the case with most coconut oil on the market (the cheapest of which is refined-bleached-deodorised RBD). Fresh coconut oil has a mild, barely perceptible smell and taste, like a fresh nut that has just been cracked, rather than smacking of coconut biscuits. Due to the high price differential, virgin coconut oil is very often adulterated - the low-grade RBD oil is infused with a synthetic "coconut" smell.

Many peoples in India, Indonesia and Polynesia have been applying coconut oil all over their bodies and hair every day since ancient times to protect their skin from UV rays, salt water and wind.

Unrefined fresh coconut oil is considered a versatile and cost-effective cosmetic; and one of the best natural ingredients for face and body creams, aftershave lotions and shaving creams, as it helps to retain the moisture in the skin, while at the same time moisturising and softening the skin. But unfortunately, most skin care and hair care products are made with refined copra RBD oil or fractionated, hydrogenated coconut oil (for cheaper, simpler, better-looking end product), so if you start using real oil from fresh nuts, you'll feel the effects immediately!

  • 100% natural ingredients
  • Organic
  • Without phthalates, pesticides and other contaminants - does not disrupt endocrine system
  • Without preservatives - does not disrupt the microbiota
  • Vegan
  • For Infants 1-12 month
  • For newborns (0-1 month)
  • For pregnant
  • Palm oil and derivative free
  • Process: Cold pressed
  • Unrefined
  • For/after workout
  • Dry skin
  • Normal skin
  • Sensitive skin
  • Oily/Combination skin
  • Acne and Pimple
  • For Hair
  • For Holiday Luggage.

We can wholeheartedly confirm that using this coconut oil for skin and hair is a great pleasure! The white, unrefined and non-decolorised Cocos nucifera oil has the pleasant scent of fresh coconut. It has a solid consistency, liquefies at 24-26C and melts instantly when applied to the skin. Easily absorbed into the skin, it does not leave a greasy feeling.

Unrefined coconut oil:

  • Reduces the damaging effects of UV rays prevents the formation of ageing free radicals in the skin and protects against their effects.
  • Helps connective tissue to remain firm and elastic, reducing skin development.
  • Helps prevent the appearance of pigment spots and other unpleasant effects of skin ageing.
  • In some cases, it even repairs damaged or diseased skin, balancing oiliness/dryness.
  • It is excellent for softening hair and nourishing the scalp, helping to get rid of dandruff.

ATTENTION. The properties described here are specific to UNREFINED WHEAT NUT COCONUT OIL ONLY, as only natural, chemically unprocessed, i.e. unrefined, oil contains the natural bioactive substances polyphenols which are lost during refining. Occasionally, a natural residue such as a coconut fibre or a crumb of a coconut shell may be present in the oil container, but this is not to be feared, as it does not alter the properties of the oil at all, but only confirms that it is a natural product that has undergone a minimum of processing.

  • Instead of body lotion, apply coconut oil to the body after a shower or bath for 3 minutes until the skin pores are enlarged.
  • As a moisturiser for dry skin.
  • For skin care of children with atopic dermatitis (almost 70% reduction of unpleasant symptoms).
  • As an after-shave cream (for both men and women).
  • As a tanning oil coconut oil should be applied to the skin before applying sunscreen. Once absorbed, coconut oil will provide an additional barrier to damaging UV rays and free radicals, so that the skin stays firmer and the tan is more even and longer-lasting.
  • As an after-sun oil, it will moisturise and nourish sun-irritated skin.
  • Hair mask apply coconut oil to dry, damaged hair and/or massage into the scalp and leave on overnight. In the morning, wash with a mild botanical shampoo, e.g. "In the morning, use a soft botanical shampoo, such as 'KN Gentle Rosemary Shampoo'.
  • Hair masks combined with aniseed essential oil are suitable for head lice.
  • As a hair oil for a wet hair effect, apply a little coconut oil to the ends of the hair, not to the roots.
  • Because of its excellent texture and glide, coconut oil is considered one of the best oils for general body massage.
  • For hygienic mouth rinsing, brushing teeth, reducing tartar and plaque formation.
  • Ideal after washing as the lauric fatty acid helps to quickly restore the skin's pH and microbiota.

Coconut oil can be used as a cosmetic skin care product for dermatitis, scaly skin, neurodermatitis etc.

For faster absorption, spread a small amount with gentle massaging movements on skin moistened with a hydrolat or water.

  • Do not apply close to the eyes as irritation may occur;
  • Store in a dark, cool place, tightly closed;
  • Protect contents from dirt.
  • container: glass
  • lid: aluminium
  • label: plastic PVC

Use responsibly the jar of this product can be reused, just wash it and bring it to one of our stores. For each jar we will give you a discount on your next purchase.

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Dėkoju už atsakymą.


Tiko plaukaims ir kūnui. Bandžiusi ir kitų gamintojų, bet šis labiausiai priimtinas


Puikus aliejus vasarą, nes minkština, drėkina, vėsina, gražina plaukus. O šį savaitgalį jį išbandė ir mano vyras, nes po žvejybos grįžo labai nudegęs nugarą ir pečius. Levandų hidrolatas ir kokosų aliejus padėjo numalšinti nemalonius pojūčius.


Pats geriausias is visu pirktu kokoso alieju, tikrai drekina oda, malonus kvapas, geros konsistencijos.


Tepiausi kokosų aliejumi nėštumo metu-neatsirado nei vienos strijos.


Mano naujausias atradimas. Kiek esu bandziusi kokosu alieju is kitur - nepatiko, o jusu aliejus - daugiau nei nuostabus! Naudojam abu su vaikuciu! Jam pries einant i lauka istepu atviras vietas, labai padeda po uodu ikandimo - akimirksniu nuima niezuli, susizeidus taip pat. Sau naudoju odai pries saules vonias ir po ju, taip pat po depiliacijos. Isimylejau si alieju, jo kvapa ir tekstura! Naudosim dar ilgai. Tiesa, sudomino, kad galima naudoti dantu prieziurai, kaip tiksliai tai daryti?


Burnos ir dantų priežiūrai - skalauti burnoje šaukštelį aliejaus, geriausia ne mažiau 10min. Arba ant dantų šepetėlio gabaliuką aliejaus, su ciberžolės milteliais ir lašeliu pipirmėčių eterinio aliejaus - valyti kaip su įprasta dantų pasta. 


Svelnus kvapas, rezultatas matosi iskart , labai gerai drekina oda , malonios konsistensijos , neriebus . Rekomenduoju !


Superinis aliejus! Tiko ir patiko.


Labai malonaus kvapo ir teksturos.Greitai susigeria,taupiai naudojasi.Oda po pirmo naudojimo lieka minksta ir glotni. Pirksiu dar ne karta!


Labai geras produktas, naudojau plaukams ir kūnui, o dabar ir veidui. Nuėmė veido šerpetojimą, išlygino odą...esu patenkinta. Rekomenduoju!


Puikus, bet mano nuomone labiau tinkamas kunui. Plaukams daug geresni poveiki turi argano aliejus.


Kvapas, skonis ir kokybė viename... Puikus aliejus.


Labai patiko, nerealiai kvepia, puikiai įsigeria, minkština. Pagrinde naudoju kūnui. Pastebejau, kad pasitepus plaukų galiukus, jie nelieka sulipę, kaip pasitepus paprastu pvz.alyvuogių aliejumi. Puikus produktas, svarbiausia ekologiškas.


Naudoju tik kelias dienas visam kunui ir auganciam pilvukui - likau patenkinta.nustebino,kad lengvai tepasi ant kuno :)


Nuostabus produktas - naudoju sau ir vaikams jau metus (kūno odai minkštinti ir plaukų kaukėms).


Labai puikus šis produktas. Išsigydžiau labai išsausėjusią, sudirgusią odą.. Jau trečią dieną matėsi puikūs rezultatai!