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Spruce essential oil, Picea mariana Picea glauca, P. mariana

Eshop only
9,52 € 11,90 €
5 ml
best before the end of 2024-11. Code: 47732810
9,80 €
5 ml
Black Spruce, Picea mariana. Code: 47732827
11,90 €
5 ml
White Spruce, Picea glauca. Product is out of stock. Code: 47732810
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Spruce essential oil, Picea mariana

The essential oils of spruce, like other conifers – pine, juniper, fir – are extremely popular and loved for their wonderful, warm combination of wood and fresh greenery aroma, which is a real favorite when choosing a natural essential oil for indoor diffusion.

However, spruce essential oils are also highly valued in aromatherapy – used as a general tonic for the body, which improves mood, raises energy, creativity, strength and will, and in winter, during the cold season, as one of the most effective strengthening oils. Used in conjunction with Scots Pine Essential Oil for post-menopausal problems.

Not all features of this product are listed here. Unfortunately, due to the regulation of EU health claims, we cannot inform you better, even if the benefits of this product have been scientifically proven.


  • Excellent aromatherapy quality - tested in the in-house lab, including GC-MS
  • Without phthalates, pesticides and other contaminants - does not disrupt endocrine system
  • From wild plants
  • Air purifier & freshener
  • For children during colds season
  • For Hair
  • Perfumery note: top.

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