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Neroli essential oil Citrus aurantium var. amara

10,90 €
5 ml
10% in jojoba oil. Code: 47743670
37,10 €
3 g
pure. Product is out of stock. Code: 47752504
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bot. Citrus aurantium var. amara

For aromatherapy purposes, you can use niaouli essential oil during the cold season: evaporate it indoors, add it to water and rinse your home, put a drop on your mask, on your clothes when you go out to gatherings, or inhale. To make balms, massage oils (use our essential oil concentration calculator). Works synergistically with eucalyptus, thyme, pine, lemongrass, lemon essential oils. 

Suitable for problematic, acne-prone skin. Can be applied pure in case of minor scratches, insect bites. 

Not all properties and uses of this product are mentioned here. Unfortunately, due to EU regulation of health claims, we cannot inform you in detail, even if the benefits of this product are scientifically proven.


  • Excellent aromatherapy quality - tested in the in-house lab, including GC-MS
  • Certified organic raw material
  • Phthalate-free, pesticide-free - does not disrupt endocrine system
  • Relaxing
  • Sensitive skin
  • Mature skin
  • Oily/Combination skin
  • Acne and Pimple
  • Perfumery note: middle.

As a cosmetic ingredient, neroli essential oil brightens the skin by reducing pores and redness. The plump skin of teenagers is cleansed of impurities, while sagging, sensitive and reddened mature skin gains a youthful glow. 

Neroli oil is suitable for those who are overworked and burnt out, when thoughts of past or future events are nagging at the back of the mind; it helps to 'digest' the cloudy bustle of the day and opens up a light, bright space for new, light and joyful thoughts. 

This is not all the features of this product. Unfortunately, due to the EU regulation of health claims, we cannot inform you in detail, even if the benefits of this product are scientifically proven.

In cosmetics, it is used in products for oily, dirty skin, as well as for developing skin that has lost its firmness.

In aromatherapy, it is one of the most effective scent for dispelling fears and anxieties, calming and sleeping put a drop on a napkin and place it next to your pillow, or simply inhale from the bottle when you want to calm down.

You can apply 10% neroli to your wrists, chest and solar plexus if you are not allergic to the neroli constituents (be sure to test on a small patch of skin first). 

In perfumery, there are countless variations where perfumers use the luxurious, elegant neroli. A perfumery classic!

  • do not use on fresh skin as it may cause irritation; dilute with vegetable oil or butter;
  • protect eyes;
  • effects on pregnant and lactating women are unknown; essential oils should be avoided for the first 3 months of pregnancy and for infants up to 3 months of age unless necessary.
  • despite the high phyto-, aromatherapeutic quality of this oil, the aromatherapy community cannot recommend internal use for therapeutic purposes, but such use is possible if prescribed by a phyto/ aromatherapist;
  • do not use on cats, birds, fish, rodents, reptiles (evaporate in small quantities at home or use on your own); do not use on dogs, horses, muzzle, genitals, vaccinate;
  • this essential oil is not registered as a medicine;
  • this essential oil is not registered as a biocide;
  • keep tightly closed in a dark, cool place.
  • bottle: glass
  • cap/dropper: plastic
  • label: plastic

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Greta St.

vienas mylimiausiu, ispudingiausiu eteriniu alieju mano magiskoje aromatu dezuteje :)


absoliutus favoritas, tai mano kvepalai


Vienas mylimiausių aromatų. Jei kas klausia, be kokio kvapo gyvenimas sunkus, tai atsakymas vienareikšmiškas - be nerolio. Man padeda nusiraminti panikuojant, stresuojant, maloniai apkabina


Kai pauosčiau pirmą kartą-tikrai nepatiko, tačiau pats kvapas lyg kažką priminė, toks nenusakomas... Vėliau prisiminiau Vokietijoje labai populiarų Kölno vandenį, kuris kažkada irgi nelabai tiko mano uoslei...Tačiau...., dabar šis kvapas mane lydi ir ryte , ir vakare... Tiesiog mane prisijaukino, lyg narkotikas :) Tikrai išskirtinis kvapas. Ir nežinau ar nuo nerolio, ar šiaip - labai pagerėjo miego kokybė, o ryte pakelia nuotaiką... Pirksiu ateityje nerolio hidrolatą arba eliksyrą - nes dabar nerolis tapo mano mėgstamiausiu :)

Labai ačiū Jums už tokį gražų pasidalinimą! Malonaus naudojimo ;)