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Lemon Verbena Hydrolat Lippia citrodora (Aloysia citrodora)

11,80 €
100 ml
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Lemon-verbena hydrolat - a 100% natural hydrolat obtained by distilling lemon verbena herb, localy grown or from organic farm in France.
With a very pleasant, fresh, sweet citrus scent, with floral and honeyed undertones, it will appeal to almost everyone. This verbena water is the most natural face wash, refresher and tonic, a dispeller of sad thoughts and a soother of the soul. 

Verbena has been revered since time immemorial by the Native Americans, who used the branches of this fragrant herb to develop clairvoyance and discernment. Verbena herbs and substances have been shown in numerous studies to have the power to revive tired eyes.

pranc. verveine citronelle;
vok. Zitronenstrauch;
isp. cedrón.

Pure distillation product, free of alcohol, preservatives, synthetic additives and flavours, undiluted. 

  • Excellent aromatherapy quality - tested in the in-house lab, including GC-MS
  • Phthalate-free, pesticide-free - does not disrupt endocrine system
  • Preservative-free - does not disrupt the microbiota
  • Excellent microbiological quality, verified by the in-house microbiology lab
  • Vegan
  • From Lithuanian plants
  • pH 5-7
  • Distilled in cooper alembic
  • For pregnant
  • For Infants 1-12 month
  • For newborns (0-1 month)
  • Relaxing
  • Dry skin
  • Normal skin
  • Mature skin
  • Anti-cellulite
  • Outdoor.

Natural face care is unthinkable without hydrates. They are sprayed on the skin as soothers, toners or moisturisers. We use hydrolats in ALL of our creams, emulsions and shampoos instead of plain water.

A refreshing verbena hydrolat is suitable for revitalising dull, pale skin. Verbena water cleanses, firms and moisturises the skin, making it ideal for removing cellulite and impurities. It is recommended to steam problematic, damaged skin with verbena water.

Suitable for sensitive, irritated and emotionally overworked people - calms and relieves tension. Vervain leaf hydrolat, like leaf tea, is pleasantly soothing and relaxing, and improves sleep. Sprayed in the morning, it relieves anxiety, and in the evening before going to bed, it relaxes the mind and facial muscles. Neutralises hard water deposits on the skin, suitable for washing and cleansing the face, moisturising the skin during the day when working indoors or outdoors. 

  • sprinkle on the face after the final make-up cleaning procedure; allow drying off naturally so that the skin should absorb marvelous bioactive materials of plant.
  • wash the face with it in the morning, especially if your skin sensitively reacts to water-supply water. Moisten a tampon of cotton wool with the hydrolat and clean your face with it.
  • sprinkle on your skin as soon as you feel the need: please your face several times a day if you spend time in conditioned room, also on hot summer days, after sunbaths; allow soaking into the skin and drying off naturally.
  • can be used as a component of creams, lotions, cleaning milks, masks. 


  • there are no restrictions on use;
  • store in a dark, cool place tightly closed;

CAUTION! Temperatures of 0°C and below may be hazardous to the hydrolat. At these temperatures, we recommend that you purchase your hydrolats in store, as parcel services cannot always provide optimal conditions for product transport.

Ratings (7)

5 4 3 2 1
7 0 0 0 0

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Labai fainas hidrolatas,maloniai kvepia


Kvapas itin malonus, o oda jaučiasi atsigavusi, padrėkinta, kol kas man tai pats geriausias hidroliatas.


Mano mylimiausias, purškiu prieš serumus. Daviau pabandyti 2-iem draugėm, jos taip pat užsikabino ir naudoja :)

Greta Gustytė

Labai, labai! Nuramina oda ir tikrai jaučiasi, jog purškiamas natūralus, kokybiškas hidrolatas ant odos. O ir verbenų kvapas man pasakiškas. Įsigysiu dar nekartą, tikiuosi prekyboje bus:)


Puikus hidrolatas: geras kvapas, ne tik drėkina odą ( papurškiu juo odą ir tepu sviestą), bet ir nuramina, nuima įtampą.


Mėgstamiausias mano hidrolatas. Puikaus kvapo ir savybių mano sausai ir jautriai odai. Naudoju veidui ir kūnui gaivinti bei odai sudrėkinti prieš tepant aliejus ar kremus.


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