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Prickly Pear Seed Oil Opuntia-ficus indica

Republic of South Africa
33,66 € 39,60 €
20 ml
Code: 47775657

The ultra-luxurious, hard-to-extract prickly pear seed oil is valued as an emollient, restoring the skin's barrier function and stimulating collagen production. Use it to care for dry, irritated and mature skin.

  • Does not contain fragrance allergens - good for sensitive folks
  • Preservative-free - does not disrupt the microbiota
  • Palm oil and derivative free
  • Vegan
  • Raw, not heated
  • Process: Cold pressed
  • Unrefined
  • Dry skin
  • Sensitive skin
  • Mature skin
  • After Sun.

Opuntia oil is pale yellow or light orange in colour and has a distinctive, slightly stuffy smell, reminiscent of soil and wood. It has a velvety texture, absorbs easily and does not leave a greasy feeling. Rich in linalolic acid, phytosterols, polyphenols and antioxidants, it is ideal for nourishing the skin, keeping it soft, supple and radiant.

Prickly pear oil is known as an excellent emollient, helping to restore the skin's compromised barrier function, with soothing and regenerating properties, making it ideal for the care of extremely dry, irritated, tired and mature skin. It can also be used on the under eye area. It is rich in antioxidants that protect against sun damage, premature ageing, wrinkles and pigment spots. It also has skin-cleansing properties, making it suitable for acne-prone skin and acne prevention.

Use neat in place of face cream or in blends with other oils, creams and cosmetic products.

Apply in the morning and/or evening. 

For faster absorption, apply on wet skin moistened with the hydrate.   

  • there are no restrictions on use;
  • store in a dark, cool place, tightly closed;
  • the amount of oil in the bottle is as indicated on the label, visual quantities may vary due to the design of the bottles. 
  • bottle: glass
  • cap: aluminium
  • label: plastic PVC

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