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Pine essential oil Pinus sylvestris, P. strobus, P. pinaster

different countries
5,10 €
5 ml
Scots pine, organic, Lithuania, Pinus sylvestris. Code: 47738638
8,90 €
5 ml
Maritime pine, organic, Portugal, Pinus pinaster. Code: 47734173

bot. Pinus silvestris

Essential oils from various pine trees are loved not only for their wonderful, warm woody aroma, which is a real favourite for steaming indoors, but also for their aromatherapy properties.  Pine essential oil is used in aromatherapy as a general body tonic to improve mood, and as one of the most effective body-strengthening oils in the winter, when the weather is changing, and during cold season. Pine essential oils are excellent for indoor steaming, freshening and purifying the air.  

Pine essential oil is the smell of a Lithuanian pine forest, the scent of a silo in your home, the smell of warm, sun-warmed pine wood. 

White/medium pine essential oil is distilled from needles and twigs, full of the freshness and strength of conifers. With a strong emotional impact, this essential oil connects us to the Earth and Heaven, and is a great "light catcher". It is also used in animal aromatherapy. 

  • Excellent aromatherapy quality - tested in the in-house lab, including GC-MS
  • Organic
  • Without phthalates, pesticides and other contaminants - does not disrupt endocrine system
  • From wild plants
  • Air purifier & freshener
  • For children during colds season
  • For Hair
  • Perfumery note: top.

Pine essential oil tones the body, improves the mood, and helps the body fight seasonal ailments during the winter cold season. Pine essential oils are ideal for indoor vapourisation, freshening and purifying the air.  

Good to know: when choosing essential oils with the same name on the market, pay attention to a few important factors: the quality of the essential oils assured by a professional and trustworthy aromatherapy retailer, the botanical name of the plant, the place of origin and the expiry date. 

Not all the properties of this product are mentioned here. Unfortunately, due to the EU regulation of health claims, we cannot inform you in detail, even if the benefits of this product are scientifically proven.

Use during cold season:

  • For children, unless otherwise advised by a specialist: evaporate indoors, add when washing the house, put a couple of drops on the corner of a pillow or on a garment, dilute in vegetable oil at a ratio of 0.5-1% (e.g. 1-2 drops of essential oil to a teaspoon of almond oil), rub on the chest, soles of feet. If the essential oil is not irritating to the skin, dilute a little and apply to the pannus (not the mucous membrane);
  • Babies do not need essential oils unless recommended by a specialist; they get their immunity through breast milk and aromatherapy can be used by other family members. If necessary, it is sufficient to just lightly diffuse essential oils in the room, add them when washing surfaces, and apply 1 drop to the floor away from the face. The baby's respiratory tract is very sensitive, so the smell should be barely perceptible in the room, and the rule of thumb is "less is better". It is safe for babies to use hydrolats lavender, myrtle, tea tree, didramonium;
  • For adults, these essential oils are also effective. Great for indoor steaming, massages, balms, inhalants, etc. When applied to the skin, it can be diluted to a higher concentration, e.g. 2 %.
  • do not use on fresh skin as it may cause irritation; dilute with vegetable oil or butter;
  • protect eyes;
  • effects on pregnant and lactating women are unknown; essential oils should be avoided for the first 3 months of pregnancy and for infants up to 3 months of age unless necessary.
  • despite the high phyto-, aromatherapeutic quality of this oil, the aromatherapy community cannot recommend internal use for therapeutic purposes, but such use is possible if prescribed by a phyto/ aromatherapist;
  • do not use on cats, birds, fish, rodents, reptiles (evaporate in small quantities at home or use on your own); do not use on dogs, horses, muzzle, genitals, vaccinate;
  • this essential oil is not registered as a medicine;
  • this essential oil is not registered as a biocide;
  • keep tightly closed in a dark, cool place.
  • bottle: glass
  • cap/dropper: plastic
  • label: paper or plastic PVC

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