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Clay diffuser

11,30 €
1 pcs
Code: 23400000005

The clay diffuser is a new and sustainable way to spread essential oils. Use these small aesthetic sticks of clay pottery for passive evaporation of odors – all you have to do is put a few drops of essential oil on it and put it on a warm radiator, in the bath, in the closet or hang in the car. Essential oils will evaporate gradually by themselves – this is called passive diffusion.

It is a unique handmade product of technology invented in Lithuania, in the furnace of a ceramic workshop of old traditions. The design of the clay diffusers is inspired by the philosophy of Japanese beetle sabi. (Japanese 侘 び = wabi sabi, modest simplicity).

  • 100% natural ingredients.

This clay diffuser, or vaporizer, is a reusable, naturally decomposable product. It has no odor, does not react with oils as other solvents. Can be washed and disinfected after prolonged use. The evaporator of essential oils is made of highly absorbent ceramics, so after adding the essential oils, they will "retain" the smell for longer. Perfect for home, cabinet, bath or car fragrance, odor sniffing and testing.

The evaporator is suitable for:

  • odor distribution, testing, adjustment;
  • for natural cleaning of breathing air – on the desk, in the bedroom, children's room, etc .;
  • wardrobes, moth repellent;
  • in the car;
  • on terraces, loggias, balconies and other semi – enclosed spaces – as mosquito repellent;
  • Try it together with our essential oils mixes FOREST BATHING, ANYKŠČIAI FOREST.

Evaporator maintenance:

  • The clay diffuser needs to be protected from shocks, it can break
  • Can be washed, disinfected

Composition of the clay stick: clay, traces of volcanic material.

Lace: cotton (batches may vary).

  • Protect from impact to prevent breakage;
  • Do not pour in materials that cannot be absorbed;
  • This ceramic has an absorbency of up to 70%, which will increase the drying time when wet;
  • Keep away from small children, pets;
  • Avoid contact with the skin when applying essential oils.

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Nustebino, kad tikrai praktiškai naudojasi, teko sloguojant daug padraugaut. Nebeatsimenu, kaip ankščiau uostydavom aliejukus. Rekomenduoju, gavau kaip dovaną, gerai pasiteisina.


Puikus lėtos difuzijos pasirinkimas, kaip ir minėjo ilgam įgerinatis kvapą, ir maloniai nukvinpantis praeinant pro šalį. Patogiausia naudoti su vienu kvapu ar dviem panašaus kvapo atstovais :)


Geras dizainas! Kažkas naujo :) Labiausiai džiaugiuosi, kad vaikas pamėgo, pasideda prie pagalvės kaip savo "sapnų kvapų pagaliuką".


Tokį simpatišką molinį pagaliuką ir eterinį aliejų „Anykščių šilelis“ gavau šv. Kalėdų proga ir iki šiol džiaugiuosi miško kvapu. Labiausiai džiugina tai, kad kvapas, įsigėręs į difuzorių, išsilaiko labai ilgai ir kasdien gali pasitikrinti, ar nepasigavai Covid - 19 :)


Nuostabi dovana sau ir draugams. Džiaugiuosi miško kvapais namie kiekvieną dieną!!!!. Ačiū!