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FOREST BATHING aromatherapeutic essential oils blend

10,70 €
5 ml
Code: 47757110

FOREST BATHING is the balsamic aroma of a mature, deep forest, last year's undergrowth of needles and pine cones, the fresh foliage of trees blown by the wind, and the trunks of pine trees warmed by the sun.

We created this blend together with Mila Monk, a forest bathing guide and translator of the book "Forest Bathing". We wanted you to be able to breathe in the greenery and life of the forest, feel the power of the phytoncides produced by the conifers, smell the scents of the forest even when you are far away from it, while you are turning the pages of this highly aesthetic book on forest therapy at home...

For the aromatherapy blend, we have chosen pine, spruce, fir, vetiver and thyme essential oils. Not only do they take us back to the conifer-scented densities of the forest, but they also help to relieve tension and anxiety, help us to relax, and are particularly suitable for overwork, lack of energy, and for breathing easier. Vaporise this mixture in vapour diffusers, put it on a clay diffuser, wool or a pinecone, use for education, etc.

  • 100% natural ingredients
  • Excellent aromatherapy quality - tested in the in-house lab, including GC-MS
  • Phthalate-free, pesticide-free - does not disrupt endocrine system
  • Air purifier & freshener
  • Sauna Rituals.

Containing essential oils of conifer, thyme and vetiver, it relieves stress, relaxes and tones the body. Coniferous and linalool thyme essential oils are effective for purifying indoor air, for the cold season and for breathing.

Use this blend when you want to take a break from work, worries, when you feel tired, when you miss nature.

Forest bathing is also suitable when you just miss the forest. Breathe in. Contemplate. Relax.

Put few drops on a napkin, woolen fabric, yoga mat, heated floor or in a diffuser to create a pleasant smell at home.

  • Apply to the sleeve of clothing, handkerchief and inhale
  • Spread the scent in the office, home, shop, salon using vaporisers/ diffusers
  • Can be used in a personal sniffer (inhaler)
  • Add a few drops to water and mop the floors with it - your rooms will smell like a forest!
  • Use for education for children and adults
  • Do not use on fresh skin as it may cause irritation; dilute with vegetable oil or butter;
  • Protect eyes;
  • Do not use during pregnancy, lactation;
  • Despite the high phyto-, aromatherapeutic quality of this oil, the aromatherapy community cannot recommend internal use for therapeutic purposes, but such use is possible if prescribed by a phyto/aromatherapist;
  • Do not use on cats, birds, fish, rodents, reptiles (evaporate in small quantities at home or use on your own); do not use on dogs, horses near the muzzle, genitals, vaccinate;
  • Warning that this essential oil is not registered as a medicinal product;
  • Warning that this essential oil is not registered as a biocide;
  • Keep tightly closed in a dark, cool place.

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Iki šiol man tai pats nuostabiausias kvapas, galimybė pajusti mišką namuose. Dėkoju.

Virginija Kairevičienė

Sudetingas kvapas, nei lengvas, nei spygliuočių. Greičiau miške pasijuntu su pušų eteriniu aliejumi arba namų kvapu Woods.

Jolanta Laimingoji

Tai vienas nuostabiausių kvapų, kokių teko įkvėpti. Vis norisi sugrįžti prie jo. O ypač dabar, kai artėja Kalėdos. Tiesiog dieviškai tobulas kvapas. Miškas namuose. Dėkoju.


Nuostabus kvapas - naudoju jį tiesiog kaip kvepalus!


Man tai yra tobulas kvapas. Labai ačiū už jį.


Įsimylėjau “ Miško maudynes” su pirmu aromato įkvėpimu. Namai kvepia mišku. Ypatingai malonus, keliantis nuotaiką kvapas. Jautiesi kaip miške. ????????????????????


,,Miško maudynės,,kvapas nuostabus.Sužavejo,įsimylėjau....Ačiū...Ir dar noriu padėkoti už greita pristatyma šito malonumo..Ači


Nuostabus kvapas. Užuodus pasijauti lyg būtum miške.


Nustebino besikeičiančiu kvapu .Iš sodraus spygluočių miško per keletą minučių atidūriau sausos karštos medienos apsupty. Traukia uostyti ir vis labiau ilsėtis. Ačiū


Kaip miške! Nu nerealus kvapas!


Labai patiko, tinka meditacijai.