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Baobab oil (organic) Adansonia digitata

Republic of South Africa
10,20 €
30 ml
Code: 4779040821802

A spectacular oil from the seeds of the equally spectacular fruit of the baobab tree. You may not have heard of baobab oil, but you certainly know the tree from which it comes. Baobabs are tall, thick-trunked trees that look like they are upside down, like their roots are suspended in the air. They are common in southern African countries such as Malawi, Kenya and Madagascar. Local people use all parts (the fruit, leaves, seeds, and oil ) of the tree. 

Baobab oil is cold-pressed from the seeds and is used for a variety of applications, from cooking to body and health care. It is almost odourless, yellowish, velvety in texture and feels like velvet on the skin, absorbing easily and quickly. 

Due to its high content of omega-3 fatty acids, this oil can benefit both skin and hair. That's why Baobab oil is used in many commercial skin and hair products. 

  • Certified organic raw material
  • Palm oil and derivative free
  • Vegan
  • From wild plants
  • Process: Cold pressed
  • Unrefined
  • Dry skin
  • Sensitive skin
  • For Hair Care
  • For Holiday Luggage.
  • ideal for dry skin and wrinkle prevention;
  • improves skin moisture, firmness and brightening;
  • particularly useful during the summer season and as a tanning oil; it accelerates skin pigmentation, enriching the skin with antioxidants and thus helping to protect the skin against the harmful effects of UV rays;
  • soothes irritated, damaged areas and speeds up tissue regeneration;
  • also suitable for revitalising the scalp and hair;

Baobab oil is as wonderful and unique as the tree it comes from. This oil has been kept a bit of a secret, but people are seemingly starting to catch onto its far-reaching benefits…
The oil is extracted from the seeds of the fruit that the Baobab tree bears. The fruit is well known for its nutritional value and has often been described as a ‘super food’. It is no surprise then that the oil extracted from the Baobab tree offers just as many wonderful benefits.

The oil’s nutritional value is undeniable. It is rich in Omega 3, 6 and 9 and also includes dihydrosterculic acid, malvalic acid, arachidic acid, oleic acid, linoleic acid, stearic acid and palmitic acid. Baobab oil also boasts high volumes of Vitamins A, D, E and K.
The high nutritional value of Baobab oil makes it an effective tool in the use of health and beauty. Baobab oil:

  • Has anti-aging properties as it can boost collagen production
  • Is effective in caring of inflammatory skin conditions
  • Can aid in preventing and reducing the appearance of stretch marks
  • Can reduce the appearance of bags under the eyes
  • Can be used to strengthen hair and nails

The fatty acids present in Baobab oil give it anti-inflammatory properties. This helps moisturize and replenish the skin while also creating a protective layer on the skin’s surface. This, in combination with the oil’s antioxidant properties, protects the skin from free-radicals.

  • suitable for use pure or in mixtures;
  • suitable for the whole family, children and babies;
  • for face, body, hands, dry feet and elbows  use in place of your daily cream, massage a few drops or a few drops into wet skin straight after showering or on hydrolate;
  • excellent hair mask for coloured and tired hair gives elasticity, smoothness and shine;
  • scalp mask soothes itching, strengthens hair follicles and normalises sebum production. It is advisable to apply the mask 1t/week: wet the scalp and hair with water; apply a few drops to different parts of the scalp, massage in circular movements, making sure that the oil is evenly distributed over the skin. Leave for 0,5-1 hour, preferably under a warm hat or towel, or even better overnight, and wash off with a mild shampoo.

Adansonia digitata seed oil *

Ingredients: Baobab oil unrefined *

* – Organic certified ingredients

Composition of organic unrefined baobab oil from the Kvapų namai:

  • up to 2.7% of unsaponifiable bioactive substances (vitamins, phospholipids, phytosterols)
  • polyunsaturated fatty acids (linoleic acid) – 34%
  • monounsaturated fatty acids (oleic) – 36%
  • saturated fatty acids (mainly palmitin) – 28%
  • colour and concentration can vary from batch to batch due to weather and climatic events, which is normal and typical for natural plant extracts;
  • store tightly sealed in a dry, cool and dark place;
  • protect the contents from moisture and dirt the oil may start to deteriorate (oxidise);
  • the amount of oil in the bottle is the amount indicated on the label, visual quantities may vary due to the design of the bottles;
  • do not use if it has changed and developed an unpleasant odour.
  • bottle: glass
  • cap: aluminium
  • label: plastic PVC

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Nuostabus baobabų aliejus. Toks malonus drėgmės pojūtis. Sausai sausai odai kai beveik niekas ne begelbėjo. Nuostabus atradimas. Gaila tik pirkau per mažai. Ačiū! Ir ypatingai konsultuojančioms. Jūs nuostabios!

Šis baobabų aliejus akį patraukė seniai. Klausyti širdies.


Tikrai pats nuostabiausias, oda po jo sudrėkinta ir švelni.


gers aliejus


Man labai patiko šis aliejus veido odai drėkinti. Ieškojau alternatyvos argano aliejui pagal savybes, tačiau neturinčio nemalonaus kvapo. Šis variantas tiko puikiausiai ir pranoko lūkesčius.


Labai universalus aliejus, vasarai einant į saulės 'vonias', žiemai atgaivinti odą po žvarbių orų. Skalsus, ilgai užtenka! Tinka ir itin jautrioms odoms :)


Labai patiko plaukams! Kai jau visi aliejai išbandyti ir pabodę ir norisi kažko naujo. Dariau kaukę, bet patiko ir po plovimo lašeliu galiukus patepti.


Pakanka vos kelių lašelių pamaitinti ir sudrėkint itin išsausėjusią veido ir kūno odą. Oda tikrai lieka aksominio minkštumo. Rekomenduoju :)