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Birch Bud Water Betula pendula / Betula pubescens

9,20 €
100 ml
Code: 4779040820416

Hydrolat – natural product for moistening, cleansing, tonifying face and body skin. May be used as a mist several times a day and to moisten skin before applying face oil or cream.

The pure distilling product, without alcohol, preservatives, synthetic additives and aromas, non-diluted.

- neutralizes hard water settings on the skin;
- moistens and soothes, cherishes and harmonizes the skin;
- suitable for face washing and clearing final procedures;
- refreshes and stimulates.

  • Excellent aromatherapy quality - tested in the in-house lab, including GC-MS
  • Phthalate-free, pesticide-free - does not disrupt endocrine system
  • Preservative-free - does not disrupt the microbiota
  • Excellent microbiological quality, verified by the in-house microbiology lab
  • Vegan
  • From wild plants
  • From Lithuanian plants
  • pH 3.5-4.9
  • Distilled in cooper alembic
  • For pregnant
  • For Infants 1-12 month
  • For newborns (0-1 month)
  • Sauna Rituals
  • Dry skin
  • Normal skin
  • Sensitive skin
  • Acne and Pimple
  • Dilated Capillaries.

The perfect 100% Lithuanian moisturiser for dry skin! What's more, due to its acidic pH (4.5), birch hydrolat is especially suitable for sensitive, problematic and puffy skin. If you don't like strong fragrances, birch hydrolate is just for you! It has a subtle, mild, balsamic scent of tree twigs. 

Natural facial care is unthinkable without hydrolates. They are sprayed on the skin as soothers, tonics or moisturisers. We use hydrolats in the production of ALL our creams, emulsions and shampoos instead of plain water. Using hydrolates for skin care:

  • as a tonic  spritz on the face and allow to dry, do not wipe off; spray on the skin as soon as you feel it needs it: please your face at least a few times a day if you are in air-conditioned rooms, on hot summer days, after sunbathing; allow to soak in and dry by itself;
  • as a moisturiser  spritz your face and apply cream or oil without waiting for it to dry;
  • as a cleanser  wash your face with the hydrolat in the morning, especially if your skin is sensitive to tap water. Spray liberally over the face, wiping with a wet tampon (does not remove make-up); spritz over the face to complete the make-up removal procedure; allow to dry naturally to allow the skin to soak up the plant's wonderful bioactive compounds.

Betula pendula twig extract, Eugenol **, Linalool **.

Ingredients: Birch bud hydrolat, Eugenol **, Linalool **.

** – Present in product as natural component of essential oil

  • there are no restrictions on use;
  • store in a dark, cool place tightly closed;

CAUTION! Temperatures of 0°C and below may be hazardous to the hydrolat. At these temperatures, we recommend that you purchase your hydrolats in store, as parcel services cannot always provide optimal conditions for product transport.

  • bottle: glass
  • atomiser: plastic
  • label: plastic 

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Tas kvapas atrodo atėjes iš vaikystės ir lietuviško pavasarinio miško..


Labai savas, subtilus kvapas. Jautri veido oda jaučiasi maloniai sudrėkinta.


Veikia net kaip vaistas.Tikra atgaiva mano super jautriai į viską reaguojančiai, šerpetojančiai odai. Džiaugiuosi lygia oda!


Nuostabaus kvapo, sudrėkina ( papurškus tepu Nilo sviestmedžių, kupuasu sviestus), atgaivina, nuramina, atpalaiduoja. Šis ir verbenų hidrolatai tobuli❤️❤️❤️


Tikrai malonaus kvapo, Vienas tų, kuris tikrai neerzins, atgaivina ir drėkina, vasarai pats tas.


Labai !!! Kvapas nuostabus !


Toks pavasariškas kvapas, švelnus ir malonus. Hidrolatas atgaivina ne tik veidą ir kūną, bet ir emocijas :) Naudoju po šveitiklio-kaukės naudojimo, veido oda vis skaistėja :)


Malonaus, neutralaus kvapo. Ilgai naudojau savo kasdienybėje, dabar eksperimentuoju su kitais hidrolatais, bet visad turiu ir šio vonioje. Tinka jautriai, sausai odai.


Drėkina veido odą, nuramina painias mintis, padeda ilsėtis.


NUOSTABUS NUOSTABUS!!!!! Aciu! Lietuviskas ir labai puikus -lengvas atgaivinantis, neikyraus kvapo, butinai dar uzsisakysiu


Mėgstamiausias dėl švelnaus, praktiškai nejuntamo kvapo ir tobulo drėkinimo. Kai noriu dovanoti - irgi renkuosi jį, nes bijau, kad kitokio kvapo gali nepatikti.


Tikra atgaiva sausai ir jautriai odai. Aciu


Man jis geriausias. Gal del ph5 taip gerai veikia oda. Berzu pumpuru hidrolatas -absoliutus favoritas


Mėgstamiausias, kai nesinori intensyvaus kvapo, švelnus žolynų aromatas su balzamine nata. Faina, kad lietuviškas :-) Rekomenduoju visoms, kurios nemėgsta aštrių kvapų


Nuostabaus, gaivaus kvapo. Atgaivinti odai- nepamainomas. Pirkau kelis vienetus..gaila, kad ne visada jo buna..