Alum deodorant, natural
Our own analysis confirm it's truly natural crystal – chermigite.
Natural alum stone, alum crystal – an effective deodorant created by nature to normalise perspiration and protect against sweat odour. The ammonium alum of the fragrance house is a genuine naturally occurring mineral called chermigite, as shown by our spectroscopic analysis of its chemical composition. Natural alum is now a rarity and synthetic ones are the most common.
Simple and ingenious! Alum salts are an amazing natural deodorising hygiene product for use on wet skin. Once dissolved on the skin, the salt inhibits the growth of bacteria and prevents unpleasant odours. It does not stop sweating.
Ammonium alum and potassium alum are used as deodorants; they are very similar, except that one contains ammonium ions (NH4)+ instead of potassium (K)+ ions.
Not to be confused with the synthetic toxic aluminium chlorohydrate or chlorohydroxide used in antiperspirants!
Natural ammonium alum is sold by the piece, weight may vary 100g +/- 4,5g
- 100% natural ingredients
- Preservative-free - does not disrupt the microbiota
- Vegan
- pH < 3,5
- For pregnant
- For/after workout
- For Holiday Luggage.
Deodorizing alum stone is natural and effective:
• ammonium alum salt, when dissolved on skin prevents multiplication of bacteria, thus providing perfect and long-lasting protection from odours;
• unlike antiperspirants, it does not clog sudoriferous glands, therefore toxin removing function of sweat is not interrupted;
• it's odourless, thus can be used by the entire family (men, women, teenagers);
• it's economical – a small stone may last over a year;
• it's safe – alum is not absorbed by the body, remaining on the surface of skin and is washed off easily;
• does not stain clothes.
Usage is simple:
After a shower use the stone on wet skin (or wet the stone), rubbing it onto most sweating parts of your body (armpits, feet). A tiny fraction of the alum stone dissolves and covers skin with invisible protective film, neutralizing odour producing bacteria for 24 hours.
Without aluminum chlorine hydrate or chlorine hydroxide, without synthetic materials.
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Esame su vyru patenkinti šiuo akmenuku, jis išties pasitvirtino. Ačiū Jums.
Dar bandymų fazėjė, bet po savaitės naudojimo esu patenkinta. Poveikis kaip antiperspiranto, o chemijos nėra. Gausiau prakaituojant, nadoju du kartus
Super super nuostabus akmenėlis!
Esu labai patenkinta alūno akmenėliu. Oda prakaituoja, tačiau prakaitas be kvapo. Labai rekomenduoju, toks paprastas ir veiksmingas dalykas!
ka be jo daryciau... aisku, geriau isvis jokio dezodoranto nenaudot, bet kol kas geriausia naturali alternatyva, kazkaip vistiek jauciu poreiki naudoti
Naudojau alūną daugelį metų šventai įsitikinusi, kad alūnas yra visiškai nekenksmingas organizmui. Ne viskas, kas yra natūralios kilmės yra nekenksminga. Tiesa, dezodorantas dalinai pašalina prakaito kvapą, bet jis tikrai nėra saugus.
neįtikėtinai puikus produktas. Netikėjau, kad bus taip veisminga. Akmenelis tikrai "užmuša" kvapą. Svarbu, kad prakaitavimas vyksta , kaip ir turi būti, bet kvapo visai nėra.
Labai efektyvi priemonė nuo prakaito kvapo. Prakaitavimo nestabdo kaip ir turi būti, bet kvapą labai gerai užmuša.
Tikrai numusa prakaito kvapa, tik jei yra neproblematiska, jei yra gausus prakaitavimas, tad tenka ir naudoti 2 kartus per diena
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