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Moringa Oil Moringa oleifera

15,10 €
30 ml
Code: 4779040822069

Moringa oil is one of the most ancient products used by mankind. According to archaeologists and palaeobotanists, it was known in Mesopotamia and Egypt as far back as the 2nd millennium BC. In Anglo-Saxon scientific literature it is usually referred to as oil ben or behn. Moringa is also known as the 'drumstick tree' because its seeds are clustered in long and thin pods like a drumstick; or the 'horseradish tree' because of its roots, which resemble horseradish.

Moringa is considered to be native to the southern foothills of the Himalayas, from where it eventually spread to the Arabian Peninsula and Africa. Moringa is a tree of great value: it is fast-growing, drought-tolerant and easy to grow in sandy deserts, as it is not demanding on the soil; its immature seeds with pods are used for food (they have a taste similar to that of asparagus) and its ripe seeds are used for oil. The leaves of moringa, full of vitamins and trace elements, are eaten like spinach and turn green at the end of the dry season, when everything around them has withered. The dried leaves are also ground and used as food supplements, so it is no wonder that moringa is particularly encouraged in food-poor countries.

Moreover, moringa seeds and roots are highly medicinal and have been used medicinally since ancient times for a wide range of ailments, and extracts of leaves and seeds are used to purify drinking water. In traditional South Indian Tamil Siddha medicine, these 'drumsticks' are considered to be a medicine for virility and are used to improve erections. In ancient Egypt, Moringa pterygosperma oil is believed to have been used in the production of medicinal and aromatic ointments, mixed with frankincense, mastic and other resins, honey, wine and herbs, and used for enfleurage.

The fatty acid inherent in moringa (as well as rapeseed and groundnuts) was named behenic acid. It is suggested that this name may derive from the Persian word behen, etymologically linked to the month of Bahman (February), when the roots of the moringa are dug. It is a saturated fatty acid of 22:0, which is present in 9 % in moringa oil. The oil content of moringa seeds is relatively low at 30-40%, so it is not cheap.

  • Does not contain fragrance allergens - good for sensitive folks
  • Preservative-free - does not disrupt the microbiota
  • Palm oil and derivative free
  • Vegan
  • Raw, not heated
  • Process: Cold pressed
  • Unrefined
  • Dry skin
  • Mature skin
  • For Hair Care.

Composition of moringa oil

oleic ~70%, palmitic ~9%, behenic ~9%, stearic ~7% (total ~25% saturates). Behenic fatty acid melts at +80°C. It and other saturated fatty acids form a precipitate at room temperature, so that in our region moringa oil may be opaque and flaky.
The non-soapy, i.e. the most valuable nutrient for the skin, part of the unrefined oil consists of vitamin E (mainly tocopherol α) and sterols such as β-sitosterol (the most abundant of these), camphasterol, stigmasterol and avenasterol, which are virtually absent in refined moringa oil.
The oil is yellowish and almost odourless, with a very slight hint of fresh greenery. 

Properties of moringa oil


Moringa oil

  • Softens the skin and retains moisture extremely well.
  • Protects against premature ageing of the skin – both wrinkles and pigment spots by UV rays and chemical irritants.
  • Excellent emollient softens and smoothes rough skin on men (best used after shaving), as well as on the hands and body.
  • Nourishes depleted skin, helps restore damaged skin integrity and retains moisture in the stratum corneum.
  • Helps restore the skin's protective oil film after washing, swimming and sunbathing.
  • Gives hair a smooth and shiny finish. Moringa extract is found in Bema BioHair shampoos and conditioners.

Use of Moringa oil

- Instead of face cream: Moringa oil is most recommended for dry and combination skin, especially at an older age; it protects the skin against the ageing effects of UV rays and pollutants wrinkles, pigment spots on exposed areas of the body: face, neck, hands;
- Instead of aftershave;
- As a body moisturiser;
- As a hair conditioner;
- For fragrant extracts, perfumes as it is very stable and long-lasting, and does not impose its odour.

Before use, the bottle of moringa oil should be heated under a stream of hot water to melt and mix all the ingredients.

Moringa oil can be used pure or in mixtures. It absorbs more readily into wet skin, so we recommend moistening the skin with water or a hydrolat before application;


Remember to drink plenty of water to prevent dry skin. Water deficiency in the body is first visible on the skin.

  • bottle: glass
  • stopper: aluminium
  • label: plastic PVC

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Absoliutus favoritas! Minkštumas man jau asocijuojasi su moringa, mmm... Kaip emolientas, drėkiklis, minkštintojas - tiesiog nuostabus. Žiemą man nuostabiai atstatė šerpetojančią, nuo šalčio susitraukusią, šerpetojančią odą, jos drėgnumą; iki tol kiek bandžiau tepti sviestais – turbūt pamaitindavo, bet vis tiek likdavo sausumas, nekokia odos tekstūra, o būtent moringų aliejus grąžino drėgmę, švelnumą kaip pats geriausias, bekvapis kremas (pagal nuotaiką pasikvėpinu eteriniu aliejumi). Aišku, tepu ant drėgnos odos, tad žiemą naudoju tik patalpose. Veido odai tinkamas, bet riebus, tad naudoju ne kasdien, o kaip maitinančią kaukę.

Prieš plovimą tepu plaukus - tiek šaknis, tiek per visą plauką perbrauku - išplovus vien šampūnu be balzamo plaukas minkštas minkštas, mažiau elektrinasi, tarsi įgauna apimties (mano plaukai ploni, tad naudojant šampūną be balzamo kartais tampa per lengvi, sausėja ir pučiasi). Kaina link prabangos, bet aliejus to tikrai vertas, nebepakeičiamas!


Aliejukas tikrai nuostabus, labai gerai geriasi,nelieka riebaliuko. Puikiai drekina. Svelnaus vos pastebimo kvapo,neerzina.


Naudoju šį aliejų jau antri metai su mažom pertraukom, puikus aliejus veidui, kartais palepinu plaukų galiukus