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Cupuaçu Butter Theobroma grandiflorum

12,41 € 14,60 €
45 g
Code: 4772072002119

Unrefined, cold-pressed Brazilian cupuaçu butter is extracted from the seeds of the large-flowered fruit of the Theobroma grandiflorum cacao tree, which grows in the wild rainforest, in a traditional, solvent-free process. Because of its consistency and moisturising, nourishing properties for dry skin make it comparable, sometimes even superior to shea butter in cosmetics!

It is widely used for face, body and hair care.

  • Vegan
  • From wild plants
  • Process: Cold pressed
  • Dry skin
  • Normal skin
  • Sensitive skin
  • Mature skin
  • For Hair Care
  • For Holiday Luggage.

This exotic butter is extracted from plants grown in their natural habitat, using traditional methods, and therefore retains many bioactive substances.

It is an excellent emollient and skin softener thanks to its peculiar composition of oleic, palmitic and stearic fatty acids. In addition, its unsaponifiable fraction is an excellent source of antioxidants, with phytosterols and polyphenols [1] restoring and helping to maintain the skin's elasticity, smoothness and moisture [2].

Natural antioxidants help to reverse free radical damage to the skin and slow down the ageing process. Free radicals can lead to skin ageing and redness, so it is important to use natural antioxidants to protect the skin from oxidative stress and help it stay healthy and young [2].

Kupuasù butter has water-binding properties and is therefore considered to be 'ultra-hydrating'.  By trapping water in the stratum corneum of the skin, cupuassu butter deeply moisturises the skin and helps to maintain its elasticity and smoothness [3].

Cupuassu butter melts at a relatively low temperature of around 30 °C, so it absorbs very well and quickly into the skin. Kupuasù butter has a wide range of applications

for dry, sagging, sunburnt, irritated and sensitive skin.
For the care of sensitive children's skin,
strengthens the skin barrier and protects against wind, cold and sunlight. Nourishes, i.e. nourishes with bioactive substances, developing, dry and flaky skin.
Helps to revitalise damaged and dry hair by softening it, smoothing out frizzy flakes and smoothing the hair texture,
nourishes and soothes sensitive scalp.
This is not all the properties of this product. Unfortunately, due to the EU regulation of health claims, we cannot inform you in detail, even if the benefits of this product are scientifically proven.


Sources [1], [2], [3] in the Scent House database.

  • As a moisturising and nourishing face, hand and body cream apply to skin moistened with the hydrate for faster absorption. 
  • To protect the skin against cold and wind and sun exposure apply a thick layer on dry skin
  • For hair masks, warm a small amount of the cupuaçu butter in the palm of your hand and spread it on damp hair. Keep the scalp warm (to allow the active ingredients of the butter to be absorbed into the hair) for at least one hour or overnight; wash with a mild shampoo after the treatment.
  • As a leave-in conditioner, apply to towel-dried hair after washing, just to find the optimum dose of Cou Cousteau butter that will be absorbed in full by dry hair, leaving it smooth and restored to a healthy shine without looking greasy.
  • For dry hair ends use as a leave-in conditioner. Apply a small amount to damp hair ends.
  • Colour and concentration can vary from batch to batch due to weather and climatic events, which is normal and typical for natural plant extracts.
  • Store tightly sealed in a dry, cool and dark place.
  • Protect the contents from moisture and dirt – the oil may start to deteriorate (oxidise).
  • The amount of oil is as indicated on the label, visual quantities may vary due to the design of the jars. 
  • Do not use if it has changed and developed an unpleasant odour.
  • container: glass
  • lid: aluminium
  • label: plastic PVC

Use responsibly – the jar of this product can be reused, just wash it and bring it to one of our stores. For each jar we will give you a discount on your next purchase.

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nuostabus kremas veidui, tinka riebiai odai. nepalieka riebumo pleveles, nesijaucia sunkumo jausmo. Labai nustebimo, pirksiu toliau. Aciu uz gera produkta


Pirkau daugiau dukros probleminei odelei-puikiai atstato odos būklę,tepiau šerpetojačias rankutes,žandukus,kartą į savaitę tepu vietoj naktinio kremo-susigeria puikiai ir odą palieka labai švelnią. Išbandžiau net ir plaukų galams-labai patiko!!!


Labai patinka mano sausai veido odai. Tiesą pasakius nesitikėjau tokio efekto. PAšildau kupuasu sviestą po šilto vandens srovele ir tepu ant drėgno veido. Oda lieka šilkinė. Pirmą kartą jaučiau švelnų dilgčiojimą, vėliau naudojant jo nebebuvo. Ir kvapas mano jo labai patinka:)


labai patiko! naudoju kaip rankų kremą - susigeria labai labai greitai, sviestas pakankamai kietas, tačiau labai maloniai ištirpsta tarp delnų. Labai tiko ir naminių kremų gamybai - naudoju kaip pagrindą, vietoj sviestmedžių sviesto


Labai patenkinta pirkiniu. Sviestas tikrai pakankamai kietas, tad šiek tiek reikia pavargti, tačiau ant veido odos nepalieka jokio riebumo pojūčio, jokio blizgesio. Oda švelni išlieka visą dieną ! Išbandžiau ir plaukams. Kadangi plaukai garbanoti ir sausi, šis sviestas nuostabus atradimas. Plaukai tapo švelnūs, sveiki, sudrėkinti. Neliko pasipūtimo, o svarbiausia neriebaluoja plauko.


Labai nustebino , labai patiko . Pojutis labai geras, greitai isigeria i oda , nepalieka riebumo pojucio o oda minksta ir svelni islieka ilgai . Kvapas kazka primena , dar niekaip neatgaminu ka . Malonus , neikirus . Vertas demesio . Must have ! ????


Labai nustebino - konsistencija kaip kieto sviesto, o susigeria vos ne iškart. Aliejų entuziastų must-have, man pasirodė tikra naujiena. Pagaliau radau priemonę rankoms!!


Nuostabus atradimas! Nors gana kietas, todėl sunkiai tepasi ir dėl to šiek tiek pavargti reikia, tačiau rezultatas nuostabus – oda tampa minkšta ir švelni. Be to, nelieka jokio riebumo pojūčio, nes puikiai susigeria. O ir kvapas labai malonus. Idealus sausai odai.