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Nourishing Hair Oil

12,40 €
50 ml
Code: 4779040829914

A blend of unrefined oils from coconut, calendula, argan, jojoba and sunflower, enriched with vitamin E and rosemary extract, specially formulated for sensitive scalp and tired hair.  

Free from fragrance allergens, emulsifiers and preservatives. 

  • 100% natural ingredients
  • Without phthalates, pesticides and other contaminants - does not disrupt endocrine system
  • Without preservatives - does not disrupt the microbiota
  • Vegan
  • Raw, not heated
  • Palm oil and derivative free
  • Sensitive skin
  • For Hair.

Top hair experts and hairdressers say that the most versatile conditioner is natural oil. Just a few treatments are enough to calm your scalp and make your hair shiny again! 

  • for sensitive scalps: to regulate sebum, reduce itching;
  • to improve the texture and appearance of the hair: for frizzy, brittle, dry hair;
  • to facilitate hair growth;
  • nourish and care for all hair types and sensitive scalp;
  • Ideal for Indian and aromatherapy scalp massages.
  • Massage into the scalp and roots; we recommend applying to the hair.
  • Leave on for as long as you like 1h, 2h or even overnight the effect will only intensify.
  • Rinse with a mild shampoo for flowing hair (strong foaming products may wash away too much of the mask and the desired effect will not be achieved).
  • It is best to use warm oil, but never overheat (e.g. warm the bottle under a stream of hot water).

Can be enriched with essential oils, e.g. a mixture of ROOT OILS. If your scalp is particularly sensitive, please consult our consultants.

  • bottle: glass
  • dispenser: plastic
  • label: plastic 

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