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Natural Toothbrush sewak, MISWAK Salvadora persica

Saudi Arabia
2,90 €
1 pcs
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Miswak natural toothbrush – toothbrush and toothpaste in one. It's a very handy item for travellers. Ensures excellent dental and oral hygiene thanks to the diameter of the bristles, which are suitable for the interdental spaces and for thoroughly cleaning each tooth ("one tooth" brush), while the bioactive substances and pH of the plant help to maintain a healthy balance of the oral microflora. These toothbrushes are a natural toothbrushes, given to us by nature itself, which avoid plastic waste and the need for toothpaste.

The use of this toothbrush for oral hygiene is also recommended by the World Health Organisation (WHO/WHO).

In the Middle East and Africa, natural toothbrushes, such as sewak or miswak, have been widely used for thousands of years, and they grow like in fairy tales – "on trees". Arak, the name given to the Persian salvadora (bot. Salvadora persica) trees in those countries, has a special root system and has been used by the local population for a long time. There's no more natural and simple toothbrush than this: strong cellulose fibres run the length of the root – just peel off the bark that hides them, and you're ready for your toothbrush! This traditional hygiene tool is used by everyone in the East, from the smallest toddler on the street to millionaires.

  • 100% natural ingredients
  • Vegan
  • For Holiday Luggage.

The root, which has a distinctive mustard, peppery, horseradish aroma and taste, is rich in polyphenols, minerals and vitamins. They make sewak toothbrushes one of the best natural oral hygiene products. It is a natural toothpaste and toothbrush in one. It removes plaque and leaves your mouth feeling clean and fresh. When used daily, it helps to restore the natural whiteness of your teeth. Helps maintain a healthy balance of oral microflora. Convenient to clean each tooth individually. Good for massaging the gums.


You will not find any other simpler and more natural way for your dental care. The radix has strong cellulose fibre running through, you just need to peel about 0,5 cm of the root covering bark and your toothbrush is ready!

The brush lasts 2-4 weeks.

Peel off about 0.5 cm of the bark from the end, and spread out the fibres underneath; brush your teeth after every meal, or whenever you want. Store clean, at a temperature higher than 20 °C.

Renewing the brush is easy: cut off the used tip and peel off the new layer. It is recommended to do this daily as the concentration of bioactive substances decreases with use and the fibres become dull and dirty. 

If the root has dried out, it can be soaked in water for a few hours.

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Sveiki, Reda, maždaug 2 savaitėms.

o kaip ja naudoti?

Naudojimas: nulupti maždaug 0,5 cm žievelę, išskirstyti po ja esančius plaušelius; valyti dantis po kiekvieno valgio, ar bet kada panorėjus. Laikyti švariai, ne aukštesnėje kaip 20 C° temp. Atnaujinti šepetėlį paprasta: nukirpti naudotą viršūnėlę ir nusilupti naują sluoksnį. Rekomenduojama tai daryti kasdien, nes aktyvios substancijos naudojant išnyksta, o plaušeliai apdulka ir susitepa. Jei šaknis išdžiūna, galima ją kelioms valandoms pamerkti į vandenį.

Išties gerai nuvalo apnašas, o burnoje lieka gaivu. Kartais naudoju ir vietoje dantų krapštuko tarpdančiams išvalyti.


Turiu problemą - kaupiasi apnašos ir gana intensyviai, bet su šiuo šepetėliu puikiai visi nešvaruma inusivalo. Dar labai patogu trumpose kelionėse.


Labai gerai, kad nereikia jokių dantų pastų. Patinka kvapas ir skonis. Kaip natūralu - valyti dantis su šaknimi :)


skeptiskai ziurejau i si 'sepetuka', bet pabandziusi likau suzaveta, nor ir turi specifini skoni, bet nebesinori jokiu dantu pastu. sumku patiketi, bet labai gerai isvalo dantis, daviau net 2 metu vaikui griauzti