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Pure Sea-Buckthorn Berries Oil, Hippophae rhamnoides Hippophae rhamnoides

20,60 €
30 ml
Code: 4772072001013

Pure Sea-Buckthorn Berries Oil, Hippophae rhamnoides. Extra-virgin sea buckthorn pulp oil is an excellent antioxidant, emollient, skin soother, and natural colourant oil.

It is obtained using the most advanced technology – CO2 extraction, which, compared to other extraction methods, is extremely gentle, sparing the components of the plant, which allows to preserve all the valuable properties of the raw material – up to 7% of the unsaponifiable fraction, an exceptional content of carotenoids (140-270 mg%), at least 0.1% of vit. E, at least 1% phytosterols.

  • Without preservatives - does not disrupt the microbiota
  • Vegan
  • Raw, not heated
  • Palm oil and derivative free
  • Unrefined
  • Process: CO2 extraction
  • Sensitive skin
  • Mature skin
  • Dilated Capillaries
  • Edible
  • After Sun.

Sea buckthorn berry oil is an excellent antioxidant, improves and stimulates skin cell renewal, and soothes irritated, puffy skin that is prone to redness due to dilated capillaries. It is an excellent emollient and emollient, smoothing, softening and elasticating the skin. Carotenes darken the skin, giving it a natural bronze tan. Enriched with antioxidants and protects the skin against photo-aging recommended for use after sunbathing and to reduce the negative effects of UV on the skin.

Sea buckthorn oil has been cited as having the ability to protect white blood cells from radiation and radiotherapy (irradiation). After chemotherapy, it helps skin tissue cells to recover much faster and promotes skin healing.

Sea buckthorn oil is the perfect treatment for damaged and ulcerated oral mucosa.

Sea buckthorn oil stains the skin, so use it mixed with other oils or in creams between 1% and 10%. Of course, sea buckthorn oil can also be applied neat, but you will have to wait longer for the yellow pigments to absorb.

Sea buckthorn oil is good for:

  • For tired skin that has lost its radiance and glow.
  • Mature skin that has lost its firmness and elasticity.
  • For dry, scratchy, cracked skin.
  • As an intensive serum v use a drop at a time for several months, mixed with a face cream (wait for the active pigments to absorb). Especially good after the sunny season to reduce the negative effects of UV rays.
  • For sensitive oral mucosa.

Sea buckthorn oil is used in cosmetics everywhere: in creams, lotions, aromatherapy preparations, massage oil blends.

Hippophae rhamnoides fruit extract, Rosmarinus officinalis leaf extract *.

Ingredients: Sea-Buckthorn Berries Oil, Rosemary extract *.

* – Organic ingredients

Stabilized with Rosemary Leaf Extract

  • Colour and concentration may vary from batch to batch due to weather and climatic events, which is normal and typical for natural plant extracts.
  • Carotenoids give the skin a temporary yellowish tint; can be applied to light coloured clothing. We recommend diluting this oil with other oils or waiting until it is fully absorbed into the skin.
  • Store tightly sealed in a dry, cool and dark place.
  • Keep the contents away from moisture and dirt the oil may start to deteriorate (oxidise).
  • The amount of oil in the bottle is the amount indicated on the label, visual quantities may vary due to the design of the bottles.
  • Do not use if it has changed and developed an unpleasant odour.
  • bottle: glass
  • stopper: aluminium
  • label: plastic PVC

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