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Lemon Grass essential oil Cymbopogon citratus

7,70 €
10 ml
Code: 47732339

The fragrant and refreshing citrus essential oil is very popular and widely used for a variety of purposes, from aromatherapy to household and perfumery.

  • Excellent aromatherapy quality - tested in the in-house lab, including GC-MS
  • Phthalate-free, pesticide-free - does not disrupt endocrine system
  • Air purifier & freshener
  • For/after workout
  • Anti-cellulite
  • Outdoor
  • Perfumery note: middle.
  • used in cosmetic products to strengthen connective tissue and aid skin regeneration;
  • dislikes insects and energy vampires, cleanses heavy atmospheres caused by unpleasant people;
  • very good for cleaning rooms and objects refreshing the smell, removing unpleasant odours;
  • helps to remember, to concentrate, to increase concentration;
  • eliminates overwork and fatigue caused by lack of sleep.

Widely used in perfumery; blends well with bergamot, rosemary, lavender, juniper, pine, rosewood essential oils.

Not all the properties of this product are mentioned here. Unfortunately, due to EU regulation of health claims, we cannot inform you in detail, even if the benefits of this product are scientifically proven.

  • do not use pure on the skin as it may cause irritation; dilute with vegetable oil or butter; maximum concentration for use on the skin is 18.2% (R. Tisserand, R. Young "Essential Oil Safety"); use our concentration calculator;
  • protect the eyes;
  • effects on pregnant and lactating women are unknown; essential oils should be avoided for the first 3 months of pregnancy and for infants under 3 months of age unless necessary;
  • despite the high phyto-, aromatherapeutic quality of this oil, the aromatherapy community cannot recommend internal use for therapeutic purposes, but such use is possible if prescribed by a phyto/ aromatherapist;
  • do not use on cats, birds, fish, rodents, reptiles (evaporate in small quantities at home or use on your own); do not use on dogs, horses, muzzle, genitals, vaccinate;
  • this essential oil is not registered as a medicinal product;
  • this essential oil is not registered as a biocide;
  • keep tightly closed in a dark, cool place.
  • bottle: glass
  • cap/dropper: plastic
  • label: paper or plastic PVC

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