Natural Interior Fragrance MAGIC
Conifer, needles, luxurious fragrances and a breath of freshness in your home!
100% natural botanical smells for home, offices, boutiques, cars and wardrobes.
Vegan. Created and produced in Kvapų namai Ltd.
- The strength and duration can be easily adjusted - spray the fragrance only when it’s wanted and in desired intensity; it is a huge advantage compared to the scented sticks which are non adjustable and usually synthetic..
You can use this fragrance with no apprehensions - it is 100% natural home scent created only from natural herbal ingredients - essential oils, extracts, hydrosols, food grade alcohol.
- 100% natural ingredients
- Phthalate-free, pesticide-free - does not disrupt endocrine system
- Air purifier & freshener.
Fragrant composition made from natural herbal extracts, essential oils and absolutes. Hold high while spraying - aromatic molecules will spread further and wider.
- Might have sediments of natural origin
- Shake before use
- Might leave traces on lacquered surfaces and light fabrics
- Keep away from children
- Keep away from fire
- Do not use on the skin
Food grade alcohol was used as a diluent.
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Kvapas man patiko (čia, aišku, skonio reikalas), o pats produktas tai toks labiau "pažaisti" - kvapas nelabai išlieka, papurškei, pauostei ir baigta. Suprantu, kad kai sudėtyje (tikiuosi) tik alko.denatūratas ir eteriniai aliejai, nelabai kam yra tą kvapą nešti, nieko naujo, visi kiti bandyti natūralūs kvepalai yra tokie patys. Bet tada buteliuko norėtųsi ne 30 ml, o 300 :D Už tai tik trys * vietoje penkių ;) Nes brangus. Geras, bet brangus.
Gal jis tikrai magiškas - per šią nesibaigiančią saviizoliaciją kvėpinu visus kampus, tai atrodo net namai erdvesni pasidarė! :D Kvapas nuostabus ir tikroviškas, tikra atgaiva.
Tiesog puikus! Natūralūs kvepalai nepaliauja manes stebinti
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