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SENSUAL RELAXATION aromatherapy essential oil blend

14,10 €
5 ml
Code: 47752368

Miraculous and sensual Jasmine (Jasminum Grandiflorum) absolute will enchant you with a rich and deep, warm and heavy, fruity and flowery fragrance. This blend comes along with a gentle woody and sweet vanilla aromas accompanied with an elegant Bergamot breeze. It is used to loose stress and self-doubt, to relax during intimate moments... Let go and indulge on your sensuality – you are safe in the hands of His Majesty Jasmine...

Natural aphrodisiacs are the scents that reminds us of our earthly nature. Mysterious Jasmine fragrance resembles to the smell of a human body and this is what makes it almost impossible to resists. Jasmine creates a magical symphony of earthly, bodily and sensuous flowery notes.

  • 100% natural ingredients
  • Excellent aromatherapy quality - tested in the in-house lab, including GC-MS
  • Phthalate-free, pesticide-free - does not disrupt endocrine system
  • Relaxing
  • Aphrodisiac.

Jasminum Grandiflorum (also known as Spanish Jasmine, Royal Jasmine) – it usually takes the main and outstanding role in a fragrance composition. Sensuous and sexy aphrodisiac will warm the cold and distant ones, help to let go of tention induced awkwardness and entanglement. Jasmine will help to reduce fear of intimacy and open up the freedom to enjoy physical touch and massage. Relaxes body and senses.

Bergamot – vibrant fruity and flowery aroma relaxes, reduces stress, tension and anxiety, lifts up the mood and helps to recover. It is said that Bergamot along with other citrus fruits lets the energies in the body flow freely. Brings back spontaneity, optimism, helps to let go and simply enjoy.

Palmarosa – calms down agitation and zest. It is a perfect choice for overworked, tired, anxious and sleepless people. Brings back the sense of safety.

Geranium – relaxes the mind, clears the thoughts, reduces irritability and helps to concentrate. Brings back the sense of safety. Fits well for tired, overworked people.

Atlas Cedarwood – will help you relax, recover and maintain stability. This sweet balsamic woody scent brings back the inner peace and reconciliation with current situation.

Vanilla and Copaiba – for cosy and relaxing atmosphere and a calm mind. 

Vaporise indoors, apply to bedding or clothing after a hard, eventful day. Use in massage oils (added to a base vegetable oil) or in the bath (added to salt). Apply to the solar plexus after dilution.

  • Jasmin essential oil (Jasminum Grandiflorum),
  • Bergamot essential oil (Citrus x aurantium, spp. Bergamia),
  • Palmarosa essential oil (Cymbopogon martinii var. Motia),
  • Geranium essential oil (Pelargonium graveolens),
  • Atlas Cedarwood essential oil (Cedrus libani var. Atlantica),
  • Vanilla extract (Vanilla planifolia),
  • Copaiba balzam (Copaifera langsdorffii).
  • bottle: glass
  • cap/dropper: plastic
  • label: plastic PVC

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Labai skaniai kvepia, tiesiog kaip kvepalai :).


Pirkau kaip dovaną, kad būtų lašinama ant vilnos pomanderyje...

Superinis kvapas! Manau, savaip patiks kiekvienam.


Kažkada įsigijau šį kvapą, bet pasirodė toks šiaip sau, sunaudojau vos ne prisiverstinai. O štai šią vasarą atsitiktinai viename KN renginyje vėl jį užuodžiau ir nutiko lyg koks stebuklas! Kvapas "suskambo" visiškai naujai, magiškai. Norėjosi tuojau pat bėgti į KN studiją jo įsigyti! Dabar tai yra mano mėgstamiausi kvepalai - žadinantys moteriškumą, "lengvumą" ir pasitikėjimą savimi. Akivaizdu, jog kiekvienas kvapas turi savo metą ir savo misiją:)


Labai patinka garinti vakare, kai su šeima leidžiame laiką kartu. Padėjo susitvarkyti su nerimu, kvapas lengvesnis, labiau "rezonuoja" šiltuoju metų laiku.


Namuose maloniausiai sklinda nuo Aromastone garintuvo, arba naudoju tiesiog plaukams kvėpinti :)


Nuostabus!!!! Nesu gerbėja jazminų, bet šiame mišinyje niekaip negaliu jam atsispirti.